[SPOILERS] “Trick or Treat!” and “The Search for Mr. Mystery” Solutions

Hope you enjoyed both of last week’s puzzles! And now for the solutions:

The answer to Kevin Zhou’s puzzle, “Trick or Treat!,” was GREEN BANK TELESCOPE. [Download Solution Walkthrough]

Kevin adds this personal note: A few months ago, several of my friends and I went on a trip with the astronomy club to the Green Bank Observatory. It was an absolutely astonishing sight. I’ll forever remember seeing engineers walking around on it, and the controller rotating and moving the gigantic telescope.

The answer to Jacob Zirkle’s “The Search for Mr. Mystery” was BRODY SQUARE. [Download Solution Walkthrough]

Jacob’s personal notes: It has been my dream to attend Michigan State University for as long as I can remember, and in middle school I had the opportunity to watch the Spartan Brass practice. Afterwards, we ate at Brody Square, which is a buffet of any type of food you could ever want. It’s not an especially amazing place, but that day was one of the happiest in my life, and I visit during special occasions to relive some of that happiness.