Road Trip: Delaware

Delaware has been ranked #1 for having the fairest legal system of all the states. As we all know, guilty people only lie, and innocent people only tell the truth. Which two of these suspects is guilty?

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Angie pleads the fifth.
Bill says, “Exactly one of the culprits has a U, V, W, or Y in their name.”
Casey pleads the fifth.
Dana pleads the fifth.
Ellen pleads the fifth.
Fred says, “Nancy and Wanda are innocent.”
Grant says, “The two guilty people’s names do not share any overlapping letter.”
Helen pleads the fifth.
Izzy pleads the fifth.
Julia pleads the fifth.
Kyle pleads the fifth.
Lenny pleads the fifth.
Maria pleads the fifth.
Nancy says, “Kyle and Dana are both innocent.”
Ollie pleads the fifth.
Penny says, “At least one of the guilty people has a name coming before mine alphabetically.”
Rosa says, “In the two guilty people’s names, there are a total of exactly three vowels (counting Y as a vowel).”
Susan says, “Neither of the guilty people has a name ending with A.”
Trent pleads the fifth.
Ursa says, “Both of the guilty people’s names come before mine alphabetically.”
Vera says, “At least one guilty person has a name starting with a vowel.”
Wanda pleads the fifth.