The first friend is hiding in Disney World, standing at the intersection. Among these funhouse mirrors, he doesn’t know which way to go–left or right, up or down! Maybe these characters can help you find him?

The second friend was easy to find, because he was standing in plain sight, studying this odd sign.
267 Mode of Transport
734 Greek Letter
4671 Some boats need these
5423 Ness e.g.
6514 Too
You see the third friend behind the gate to Halloween Town, but it’s locked. “We need a key!” Hops cries.
A bunny in a doorman costume skips over. “I can let you in, but first, do you want to hear a joke in my language?”
“Sure,” you say.
The doorman clears his throat. “Cec yms dhwp rdh qrmpy wimsr rdh tpwzy kmlqrhp pwiier? Er vwq w dwph-pweqelb rwej!”
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw the fourth friend, Maggie slipping inside this hedge maze. You and Hops tried every path, but you weren’t fast enough to catch up! To find Maggie, can you make Hops a quick bunny–and hopefully find a few Easter treats along the way?

“Every time we play hide-and-seek, Graham hides in here,” Hops says, as you walk towards a familiar-looking grid in the distance. “I keep telling him, ‘No, no, Graham, please just try to hide somewhere else,’ but does he listen? No, no!”

The sixth friend, Sue, found her own familiar-looking grid to hide in.

Not to be outdone by Sue, the seventh friend found yet another grid to hide in. “It seems like they’re always competing with each other,” Hops complains.

The eighth friend, thankfully, did not follow suit and hide in a grid.
“I have to warn you, Joe is a little strange,” Hops says, walking beside you in the forest. Suddenly, a clown jumps out from behind a tree. Startled, you both scream.
Joe takes off his clown mask and laughs. “Got you!” he cries triumphantly.
“Aww, don’t be mad,” he says, seeing your angry glares. “I heard a great riddle and I wanted to share it with you. Want to hear it?”
You and Hops nod. Joe grins and says:
“What do you call a sapphire that’s good for measuring energy?”
“Umm, I give up–”
“Here’s another. What kind of song will always remind you of your debts?”
“I giv–”
“What do you call a horseman that never gets any sun?”
“Err, I–”
“This one’s my favorite. What animal part is always a yes for me?”
“I don’t know, I really have to go–”
“Just one more! What plant part is a way to get somewhere?”
“No more riddles! That’s quite enough for one day.” With that, you run away to meet up with the rest of the friends.