
A confused team member said, “My number is Excited Dukael Mikakis + 1. From west to east, I see a predecessor to ‘here I come.’ From north to south, I see a puzzle title.”

A curious team member said, “My number is 62.5% of Victorious Maya. From west to east, I see a puzzle answer. From north to south, I see something you don’t want to be behind.”

An excited team member said, “My number is the square root of sleep-deprived Arturo. From west to east, I see a puzzle answer. From north to south, I see a candy request.”

A sleep-deprived team member said, “My number is 140% of Excited Maya. From west to east, I see a boost.”

A victorious team member said, “My number is 1 + Sleep-deprived Benji. From north to south, I see a copycat refrain.”

Team sum: 202