
A confused team member said, “My number is 20 + Curious Arturo. From north to south, I see something I might say when I get the last laugh.”

A curious team member said, “My number is 4 * Sleep-deprived Quell. From north to south, I see a General Mills fundraiser.”

An excited team member said, “My number is Curious Lahosken + 10. From west to east, I see a Monopoly property. From north to south, I see one who helps maintain natural land.”

A sleep-deprived team member said, “My number is sleep-deprived Maya with digits reversed. From west to east, I see a field of nodes and edges.”

A victorious team member said, “My number is Victorious Missioner + 1. From west to east, I see a simile regarding adorableness. From north to south, I see a puzzle title.”

Team sum: 259