Say Uncle

Happy National Aunts and Uncles’ Day! The Pickleton family is celebrating by having a big reunion…but is there more than meets the eye regarding this event? Rumor has it that the Pickletons are actually secret agents running a dangerous operation! To investigate further, untangle the Pickleton family tree, deduce their secret spy passwords, and then figure out where in San Francisco their rendezvous is taking place!

Pippa and Polly are:
Perseus and Pete are:
Patience and Poppy are:
Pascal and Powell are:
Pavel and Praynaa are:
Penelope and Puck are:
Pablo and Powell are:
Perdita and Philip are:
Pieter and Priya are:
Pedro and Perdita are:
Paris and Patricia are:
Philomena and Potter are:
Penn and Powell are:
  • All of the marriages in the Pickleton family are heterosexual and monogamous, and no two members of the Pickleton family have the same first name.
  • The female Pickletons are: Peggy, Pippa, Polly, Patience, Poppy, Praynaa, Penelope, Perdita, Priya, Paris, Patricia, and Philomena.
  • The male Pickletons are: Paul, Perseus, Pete, Pascal, Powell, Pavel, Puck, Pablo, Philip, Pieter, Pedro, Potter, Percy, Parker, Prithvi, and Penn.
  • Other than Paul and Peggy, they are all married to non-Pickletons (i.e. the family tree is not incestuous).
  • Pascal has two brothers and no sisters, and one nephew named Puck.
  • If Pablo is Puck's son, then Pieter is Puck's father.
  • Patricia's only son-in-law is older than Powell is.
  • Pippa has two children more than her uncle Percy does.
  • If Powell is Patricia's son-in-law, then Parker is Pavel's son-in-law.
  • Percy's granddaughter Patricia has two grandchildren of her own, Perdita and Pete.
  • Patricia either has an Uncle Parker or a Great-Uncle Parker on her maternal side.
  • Puck is the great-great-grandson of Paul.
  • Poppy is the daughter of either Percy or Pippa.
  • If Percy and Parker are siblings, then Powell and Polly are siblings as well.
  • Prithvi's oldest brother is either named Percy, Puck, or Pablo.
  • If Perseus is Philomena's son, then Pete is Puck's son.
  • Puck's great-grandson is Paris's brother.
  • Pedro is a descendant of Pippa by blood ancestry.
  • If Pete is Priya's father, then Penelope is Priya's only daughter.
  • Paris's father and paternal grandfather are named Pablo and Pedro, not necessarily in that order.
  • Puck's daughter is unmarried.
  • Peggy's great-great-great-grandchildren include Perdita, Pablo, Patience, and one other person.
  • Patience's only sibling has two sons, Penn and Pedro.
  • Prithvi's son-in-law is either Puck's grandfather or Peggy's grandfather.
  • Philip's mother is either Perdita or Pippa.
  • Prithvi has at most three grandchildren.
  • If Perdita has any children, then Percy has exactly two children.
  • Patricia's great-grandchildren include two of the following four people: Priya, Paris, Parker, and Philomena.
  • Paul has no daughters.
  • Either Pippa's father or Patricia's father (or both) is an only child.
  • Penn's aunt Patience and grandfather Puck are both on his paternal side.
  • Either Perseus or Pavel is Philomena's only child.
  • Praynaa's mother is Penelope.
  • If Pete is Pavel's grandfather, then Powell is Priya's paternal grandfather.
  • Pascal's mother is either Pippa or Peggy.
  • Of Paul's three children and three grandchildren, two of the six are named Prithvi and Potter.
  • Paris's only brother is either named Perseus or Pavel.

Submit final puzzle answers to with your team name!

Stuck? Email, or check out our Beginner’s Guide.

Once again, we’re offering T-shirts for the winning teams (Fastest Solver, First Photo, Best Photo) and a randomly chosen team! If you’ve already won a T-shirt, you’ll receive another color after five wins.

Note: This puzzle was updated on Monday, July 31, with corrections to pg. 2 clues.

Road Trip (Part Two)

And our road trip is underway! Check out our travel logs from all fifty states, and figure out where in San Francisco we’ll be celebrating our return.





























New Hampshire

New Jersey

New Mexico

New York

North Carolina

North Dakota





Rhode Island

South Carolina

South Dakota







West Virginia




Submit final puzzle answers to with your team name! This one is a special two-week feature, so the deadline is July 26th at 7:00 p.m.

Stuck? Email, or check out our Beginner’s Guide.

Once again, we’re offering T-shirts for the winning teams (Fastest Solver, First Photo, Best Photo) and a randomly chosen team! If you’ve already won a T-shirt, you’ll receive another color after five wins.

Road Trip (Part One)

Mission Street Puzzles is planning a two-week road trip starting next Wednesday! From July 12th to 20th, we will be visiting one city per day. Then, from July 21st to 25th, we will tour one state per day. Can you figure out what our itinerary is? Then, you’ll have the name of the San Francisco spot where we’ll start our trip.

We will never visit the same city twice, but we might visit the same state on multiple days.
We will not leave the contiguous 48 states.
All of the cities we are visiting are among the top 100 most populous U.S. cities.

If we ever plan to be in Arizona, then we will visit the state of Washington on the last day.
On July 14, we will go to a city with a shorter name (fewer letters) than the one we were in the day before. The same is true for July 15, 16, 18, and 19.
During the first week (seven days), we will visit three cities more populous than Boston but less populous than San Francisco.
On July 13, we will be in a state bordering Lake Michigan.
We will visit cities in Florida and Virginia on consecutive days.
We will be in the same state on July 12 and 15, in two cities 604 miles apart (via highway).
On July 20, we will visit one of the top 20 tallest buildings in the U.S.
July 22 is the only day when we will be visiting a state less densely populated than Kansas.
The July 23 state was admitted to the Union 125 years after the July 21 state was.
If we visit New Hampshire on any day, then we will also visit New Jersey.
On July 13, 14, 17, and 18, we will be in state capitals.
The three-letter airport code for the July 16 city contains the two-letter abbreviation for the July 21 state.
We will stay in the same state on July 23 and 24.
If we plan to be in the state of New York one day, then we will be in a state bordering New York on the following day.
If the July 15th city contains the letter P, then we will visit Irvine within the following five days.
When driving from the July 22 state to the July 23 state, we only need to pass through one other state.
On July 14, we will be in a state starting with N.
We will stay in the same state on July 19 and 20, in two cities just 40 miles apart via car (±5 miles).
To get from the July 16th city to the July 17th city, we will drive 795 miles, 600 of which will be via I-95.
Of the nine cities we visit from July 12 to 20, exactly four of them are west of the Mississippi River.
On July 18th, we’ll be in a state with fewer electoral votes than the one we’ll be in on July 16th.
On July 18th and 19th, we will stay within 1 degree of the same latitude.
The number of counties in the July 22 state is a multiple of 11.


Update 8:03 pm: Small change to the third-to-last clue due to ambiguous fact-checking.

Submit final puzzle answers to with your team name! The deadline for this week is July 12th at 7:00 p.m.

Stuck? Email, or check out our Beginner’s Guide.

Once again, we’re offering T-shirts for the winning teams (Fastest Solver, First Photo, Best Photo) and a randomly chosen team! If you’ve already won a T-shirt, you’ll receive another color after five wins.

Coming up, next week’s puzzle on July 12th will be a two-week special (so you’ll have until July 26th to submit answers for that one). Get excited!